DFE 4826 09/05/16 4:49 PM

This driver is just a wonderful person overall
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7JDU43 09/04/16 12:05 PM

Awesome driver
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DHS 8595 09/02/16 11:26 PM

This jackass was doing 100 mph east bound on 696, east of M5. Was cutting people off and weaving in and out of traffic.
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CKR 6195 08/26/16 4:51 PM

The guy in this gold/beige Jeep Liberty is a menace. I first noticed him getting back on the highway after driving through the median, hitting the catch fence in the opposing traffic side and then coming back on to the highway. There was another vehicle involved which looked like it was ran off the road by the Jeep. His Jeep was spewing plastic parts and grass/dirt/stones all over the highway, but he kept driving. He was weaving all over the road, VERY distracted, almost went off the road a couple more times. He was a young guy, late teens or early 20s all alone with a car full of stuff. Guessing he was on his way to college. Probably Grand Valley in the GR area judging by his direction of travel.
I hope he gets his license suspended.
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DJX 1854 09/02/16 3:53 PM

Found the plate in the street squishube
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DGL 7898 08/25/16 4:44 PM

Young woman in a 1994 to 2002 Jeep Cherokee,weaving in and out of traffic at a high rate of speed on M-84, all the while she is texting on her phone. Nearly clipped 3 different cars to simply pull into a McDonald's drive thru. Horrible driver!
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CJP 6771 08/23/16 6:13 PM

Yesterday ยท

DUCK KILLER -This morning (7:10am) I saw the most heartbreaking thing. I saw a family of ducks; a mom and 6 babies (adolescent) crossing Primrose Lane. They were almost across. Most likely they were headed to my house where they come for a morning snack. The A$$HOLE in this Dodge sped up and swerved to hit the family. Two of the adolescents were killed on contact.

I couldn't let them get away so I chased them down to Platt and Michigan where he/she got stuck by the light. That's when I took the photo of their car. They then turned East on to Michigan toward the entrance to the highway.

The Pittsfield Township Police had me come in and make a report. They also had me send them the license plate and car photo. They were running the plate and had a call out over the air while I was in the office. I was very impressed.

I then went to the office at our complex to see if they knew who the car belonged to and to tell William that 2 of Mrs. Waddles babies had been killed. Anyone who knows Bill knows how much he loves those ducks.

Who does something like this? What is wrong in your brain to make this an OK thing to do on the way to work (or wherever)? I just don't understand.

I did get a text from Bill saying the Mrs. Waddles and 4 of her babies had made it to our house for their morning snack.... minus the 2. :-(
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DFZ 3622 08/30/16 8:45 AM

Seen throwing litter from the vehicle in Ballycastle on 30 August 2016.
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DFX 6313 08/29/16 10:12 AM

This driver intentionally swerved at joggers. Also has been known to not stop for school busses
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DDW 3366 08/29/16 2:43 AM

Alway cutting people off
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