KBS 3031Brake-checking Prius cunt02/19/18 10:36 PM
If you're gonna pull out in front of some one here are some guidelines:
1) Don't go 10 under the speed limit
2) Don't break-check people
3)Don't try and swerve into people trying to pass you when you slow down to >20 under the speed limit
Fucking dickhead and group of ignorant nigger friends in a silver late-model Nissan Altima almost forced me into the other side of the road earlier this evening because he wanted to race to wherever he wanted to go to for no fucking reason. Could have killed himself, his friends or me. If you're reading this, choke on a dick!
For some reason the woman driving this car thought it would be fine to not let anybody actually merge from the lane that was ending. Not only did she block me totally from merging, then she continued to change lanes to get around me, and then nearly hit me when she cut me off AGAIN. Then pointed and fake 'laughed' at me for some strange reason. This woman should not be allowed to drive, she is dangerous to the public.
Almost changed lanes and hit me driving past Cranberry, PA. He was trying to pass me and almost ran me off the road. Finally enough, he didn't even need to be in that lane, as he then changed back into the other lane to get off an exit less than half a mile later.
Driving recklessly