Why were you in front of my house taking pictures!???
I have notified the police! In case you thought that you could pull this crap and get away with it!
OH...should I notify your family what you did?
JRH 7773 Your brake light don't work and trying to make me rear end you last night didn't either. If you don't want your Jeep sell it quit trying to make others hit you.
This guy left Murph's Study Hall (a bar) in York, PA. As hee was pulling out he slammed into a car; sped off, almost running over a girl trying to stop him; and was promptly pulled over by a cop. In other words, he's an asshole.
Extremely rude and immature driver. Was at a single lane traffic light and this asshole drives on the right side (parallel parking lane) to try to cut to turn right at the red light. There is one car in front of me in the center of the lane at the light. I am towards the left of the lane and no one is parked at the right. So the driver cuts past me but can't get past the first car. When the light turns green, he tries to cut in front of me to make a wide turn with his hunkin huge SUV. I honk him and what does he do? Doesn't make the turn and follows me half a mile to the next light where it splits into two lanes. He comes up really slowly next to me at the red light and whirls a cup full of Coca Cola or some shit at my window. It was hilarious because 1. you wasted your drink 2. it was pouring down rain so that did absolutely nothing to my car 3. you littered and 4. you drove so out of your way for that. What a jagoff 😂
Why were you in front of my house taking pictures!???
I have notified the police! In case you thought that you could pull this crap and get away with it!
OH...should I notify your family what you did?