The guy who drives this car is a complete jerk! He appears to be about 40ish. He drives between Johnstown and Indiana in the mornings around 7ish. He rides people's bumpers the entire way.
I don't know if you were high or just an everyday jerk that doesn't care about the safety of others but you cut off several cars, including mine (which had my wife and daughter in it) on the bypass 8/1/17. Start driving responsibly before you kill innocent people.
Almost hit me. rolled down his window to yell at me, swerved across multiple lanes of traffic and cut across a solid line to jump the queue for an exit.
July 28, 2017 @1:15 pm Route 202 South - White transit van with tinted windowd. From the left lane they cut across three lanes of traffic at a high rate of speed to get off at Route 30 West causing the people behind to jam on their brakes. I passed him on route 30 and looked over. Apparently that pissued the little man off so much he sped into the on ramp (on the left) coming from Bus Rt 30 to pass me. Man was he angry. He must be a very insecure, fragile person. Oh yeah, and a complete asshole.
Road raged me just for honking at his unsafe driving. Threw something heavy at my car. Stopped short, got out and wanted to fight me