Jerk driver. Stopped car at stop sign and just sat there for a minute while looking at her phone. I waited patiently at first but then raised my hands to express exasperation. She turned around and flipped me off before speeding away.
This fool is a Muslim calling people pussy. A phony that uses religion to associate with people he couldn't do on his own. This lack a human fuck can definitely get hurt on site
Stay out of this assholes way people! If
You aren't doing 20+ over the speed limit, small cock has no problem riding your ass or attempting to weave in between cars. Doesn't seem to have a problem running people onto the shoulder either.
Jerk driver. Stopped car at stop sign and just sat there for a minute while looking at her phone. I waited patiently at first but then raised my hands to express exasperation. She turned around and flipped me off before speeding away.