JPS 7056Not the safest driver but not a jerk07/07/17 9:35 AM
Summer morning in a residential neighborhood with a speed limit of 25 and just after passing over a speed bump because clearly this neighborhood has jackasses like yourself flying down their road, you still feel the need to honk at me for going 30mph?! Then at a one lane bridge, you nearly run into my car, of course it was no surprise after that you felt the need to pass me across a double yellow line and where did it get you?! One car ahead at a red light! Congratulations! I sure hope if you have children there aren't jerks like yourself driving around the areas they play!
At 6 am, while I was driving the speed limit, you decided to pass me on a DOUBLE YELLOW LINE because you apparently wanted to beat me to the next red light. I, understandably, honked my horn at you due to the fact that you could have caused an accident if I were as incapable of driving as you are. At the red light, while you were in a turning lane, it creeped into your head to shout "Fuck you" to me, and then open your door to make sure I heard you call me a "cracker ho"...then you sped off straight forward, WHILE STILL IN THE TURNING LANE. People like you are the reason why licenses are revoked, why the term "road rage" exists and a reminder of why driving tests are apparently too easy.
Young teen boy who is an excellent driver with superb politeness. Simple. He is a very nice driver who respects the drivers around him. Overall grade and gratification: A+
JVJ 3922Mr lets get in an accident06/29/17 11:32 AM
pushes on brakes when there is nobody in front of him trying to get me to rear end him, then speeds up almost immediately like a getaway car and almost causes an accident. who does that? trying to compensate for something? June 29, 2017
Car owner illegally dumped a tire on my sidewalk at 7:32 PM on Thursday, July 13, 2017. Shameless act.