"Boa tarde, amigo. Peço não divulgar meu nome. Todo dia esse veículo da foto para na vaga de deficientes do shopping Città América na Barra da Tijuca. Sim, todo dia. Tenho fotos de várias oportunidades. Já sabemos que o cidadão não é deficiente, mas segundo relatos para ali porque a vaga é mais perto do elevador. A administração do shopping não se posiciona (pra nada). Peço sua ajuda pra divulgar!"
Seldom do I feel compelled to write something positive about another driver, but I witnessed this driver doing everything right as well as try to get others to drive responsibly by exemplifying how to use and switch lanes properly on a multi lane highway. Kudos to him.
The driver of this vehicle cut into the funeral line for my father in Washington DC. The driver almost hit some of the cars with the flashing lights and funeral stickers. Not only did he/she disrespect my father's funeral, but he/she continue to travel in the middle of the line and put lives at risk by recklessly cutting into the line.
Drives like an asshole and cuts you off for no reason. If I was an old grey haired man in my 60s that could only afford a ford SUV I'd be pretty pissed off about my life too.
The Police Will get you soon ... and thanks i went to the hospital but the Police was you plates