This person going down a 2 Lane Highway decides to go from a passing lane into the slow lane almost clipping a box truck driver and then flipped them off and drives real slow so sick of people not knowing how to drive and how to merge probabl this person going down a 2 Lane Highway besides to go from a passing lane into the slow lane almost clipping a box truck driver and then flipped them off and drives real slow so sick of people not knowing how to drive and how to merge from one lane to another and almost causing an accidents.
ASSHOLE DRIVER!!! He cut in front of my car in my. Lebo with two of my small kids completely unaware of his surrounding. It was a very close call but off course he didn't even notice!!!! It seemed like he also had kids in the car. As Washington road continued, I see him weaving in and out of lanes wreckless. Terrible! You could have killed us asshole!!!!
Irresponsible, reckless driving during rush hour on Route 1 in Wynnewood between Saint Joseph's University and Saint Charles Seminary. 5:50 PM on 6/17/2016. Using turn lanes and median to pass and speeding dangerously.
aggressive rude