8 East Emaus Ave. Rear Allentown PA
He used to sell drugs out of a safe in his garage don't know if he still does...he goes around beating up people's boyfriends because he's jealous of them and has a small dick
This person crashed into the rear of my daughter's car on Rt 76 in Phila, causing a chain reaction crash. My daughter's car is probably totaled as it's crushed front and back. The driver of this car left the scene of the accident!!
JSN 4783Bill Rusden off duty Phila Police06/03/16 5:45 PM
Drives like a jackass. Weaved in and out off traffic (accident ahead) at a high rate of speed, switching lanes, cutting others off, drove into the shoulder; almost hit me and several other cars...to get to the gas station...which he left just as frantically.
this person goes crashing cars and changes the tag when it called its accidents keller samantha and her husband Ramon M Perez Your current Tag is KBT- 3542 Your Plate Old and KBT-3412 and are JZY-0331 Beware Esllos
Nearly hit me pulling onto highway, drove erratically, cut other drivers off, kept breaking as if he was egging someone on to try and hit him. Complete douche bag who could have killed someone.
dumped trash out