Caucasian female. Maroon late model Buick, has two wifi sniffers attached to the front of her car, as well as multiple laptops and tablets in her car. She's prowling the neighborhood sniffing out wifi passwords. Twice in the past 5 days she's been caught in our neighborhood and has been scared off.
Obnoxious mom who owns the road with a giant white SUV that is way too big for her and her awful driving. Watch out folks, the only kid that matters to her is her own. She will be happy to run over yours in the school parking lot.
Younger Woman, Silver Vehicle, Extraordinarily dangerous and poor driving through Residential Section, with scores of children. Speeding, Passing on Left through Stop Signs, Left on Red onto major road.
This driver is as aggressive as they come. He travels Rt 322 towards I95 in the morning between 6:45am and 7:00am. He starts in Thornton area and goes through red lights, goes around cars in the turn lanes and goes straight. He must be doing at least 80 miles an hour on the 4 lane section of 322. Always stops at the Dunkin Donuts shop near the east end of 322. A real jerk.
driving very aggressive person.