JJK 5645JJK-5645 sucks in State College PA07/16/19 2:16 PM
Almost got hit making a left turn today. I hesitated because a truck was in front of me going straight and I couldn’t see the arrow, or if oncoming traffic was approaching. After verifying “clear”, I executed my left, an impatient woman behind me passed me on the left, making a left, as I was making my left ! Making the left at the light a two lane left. Which, it is not. We almost hit. My blinker was on, and she should not have been there. A truck waiting at the red light she almost clipped the front of his pickup squeezing between my car and his truck. I hope this impatient dog keeps this up and someday the person in front is waiting for a truck to pass and she does the left behind him and she gets killed.
was going 55 in a 15 almost hit me !!