Go back home asshole...your speeding like a lunatic is not welcome here. We have enough assholes as it is. Stay in your state...better yet, stay home, you're not ready to drive.
The thrower is the PASSENGER and not the driver. She probably was having a tantrum and trying to get the driver into trouble by throwing things out of his car. Spoiled teenage girls sometimes act this way if they don't get what they want.
This BMW driver got mad that I was trying to follow the law. I was exiting a freeway to a ramp/feeder road, and waiting to have the legal right into a lane. After checking for cars, I merged to the lane I wanted. When I double checked my mirrors, this driver decided to speed up from behind me, and cross lanes early. I was about halfway into my lane when he came from behind then beside me, and made me swerve to miss him. Then he moved to my new lane and slammed on his breaks. I had to do the same to not hit him. I watched him cut off 4 other people before deciding to straddle two lanes on the feeders for about 100 yards. the best part: I followed all laws, drove normal, and ended up beside him at the next light.
Suspicious activity like stocking someone