This driver does not change with signal and drives like a maniac and on top of everything she has no manners after almost crashed my car just to stop at target
This blond woman in a white Ford Explorer or Expedition doesn't use her turn signals and almost side swiped me twice going south on I 35 just before 1604 interchange. I will be on the lookout for her in the future as a matter of self preservation.
This man child in a black suv will try to cut you off and if he can't he will tailgate tou and throw stuff out his window at you while yelling and flipping you off.
I found this plate on Bonnie Brae and University in Denton, TX, good ole USA. Lots of crap strewed about round it. Whoever this plate belongs to, was obviously in a phastastical collision which vapor-eyzed the vehicular and occupant, leaving only trace elements, and this here plate. What should I do with it. I am scairt and confabulisticated, gripping a dead man's license plate. Oh why oh why, why me, why did this happen to me???
Saw woman and child in an Audi hit by another (woman) driver in a Nissan Altima, in front of Valero on 2100 block of SW 36th St. Woman of Altima drove off before police arrived...child in Audi looked really bad. No-one including myself didn't render any aid or tried to help them...
This driver does not change with signal and drives like a maniac and on top of everything she has no manners after almost crashed my car just to stop at target