Crawled along below the speed limit for 10 miles then accelerated and tried to run me off the road when I passed him. Followed me for many more miles. Scary!
In a vastly empty parking lot, we parked far away to allow space for our car, so we could get in and out, and hopefully avoid dents and dings. This person decided to park beside us, and did so over our line, making it impossible to get in the driver side. We had to do some climbing through our vehicle. Just basic decency would have been appreciated.
If you almost crash into me from your shitty driving, don't be surprised when I get out of my car at the next light for a pic of your vehicle and license plate. Keep on waving, buddy. At the next light he pulled so close to my rear bumper that I can't believe he wasn't touching it.
Hey, bro. I saw you try to intern on your fuck daddy's investigation of me at my house. Hope y'all had a good jack off outside my windows, picking up your buddy and all at 4:30 in the morning. Saw you at the gas station too, and already could tell all you wanted for Christmas was a littlw, fat, brown and stained, boyscout dick covered in vaselin with your step dad's feces left at the root.
See you shortly.
This driver is reckless when driving through our neighborhood, ignoring stop signs & driving WELL OVER the posted speed limit of 25 mph. She hits one of the kids in the neighborhood & she will have hell to pay.
The guy that drives this car most of the time does not have a driver license and drives like a jerk, even with kids in the car! He needs to be stopped and put in jail!
This driver ran over a public trail (not for cars or trucks) in a park. A well known professional photographer was doing a shoot in this location, and the driver ran over the photographer's camera bag, containing thousands of $$$ of equipment. Law enforcement has been informed. Here is a YouTube video explaining the incident, and pictures of the truck and license plate, so that there can be no doubt.
Private investigator and/or clown.