Around last week i was walking home and i was crossing one of the streets at my school's parking lot. The street was clear so i crossed the street (wasn't jaywalking) and out of nowhere, a black, speeding truck, swerves from the intersecting street and speeds into the street i was crossing, it didn't even brake, it just plowed through and if i hadn't jumped out of the way, he would have ran me over. Today, my mom picked me up from school, and i saw the same truck but speeding through the school LAWN and SIDEWALK, just to not wait in line. I managed to get their plate which is FSF7684 Texas
This fool was less than an inch away from causing a serious pile up collision by jumping in front of me while I'm driving forward after the light turns green during rush hour. The fool never puts on a blinker to get over, just jumps in front me causing me to break and swerve eradically. I wish the cops were present at that moment! It was ridiculous!
Drove on shoulder to cut me off in a merge lane in virtually *no* traffic (it was 5am). Tailgated van in front of me and generally drove unsafely in 0.2 mile visibility fog.
Car follows me for about 2 miles on a 2 lane texas road tailgating about 1 car length behind me at 60mph. New gold cadillac car. After a stop sign I slow down to 30 in a 40 hoping he will pass but he gets closer behind like a couple of feet and turns on his brights. At that point I slow to a stop and sit for about 30 seconds but instead of passing he stops right behind and just sits there. I had a freind behind him who stopped and got his tag number. after about 30 seconds or so he pulls around and gives me a dirty look. I just sat quietly with my hands in the air- no agressive getures wondering who is this wierdo and why is he messing with me. My freind tells me he was flipping me off but I could not see for his headlights. At no point did I flip him off, yell or do anything agressive. I just slowed down and hoped he would pass me so I would not get rear ended and his lights would not be blinding me. He finally passed me and I sat for a little while and went on but he was waiting and started following again. He may have gotten spooked because he figured out I had a freind who was right behind him. I called the cops and made a report and before I finished that report he split so I went home.
This driver was super courteous and made great use of proper driving practices. And he looked sexy ;)