FXY 7582Edwin kevin Malone the 3rd11/14/19 10:17 PM
This Woman or little girl was texting and driving and had her hand in her boyfriend’s private part I was DISGUSTED!!!!!!! I had my children in the back!!!!can you believe that!!!!! She doesn’t know how to drive at allllllll She is a danger to OUR roads. thank you for your time- Edwin Kevin Malone the 3RD
This girl or dude dont never use their blinkers and cut me off horrible with my baby in the car 5 times. Stupid ass needs to be crashed into so they can learn they lesson
This Woman or little girl was texting and driving and had her hand in her boyfriend’s private part I was DISGUSTED!!!!!!! I had my children in the back!!!!can you believe that!!!!! She doesn’t know how to drive at allllllll She is a danger to OUR roads. thank you for your time- Edwin Kevin Malone the 3RD