This driver is very inconsiderate when it comes to traffic laws as well as other drivers. Sped into fast food parking lot when there were people around to just to cut someone off in line.
silver corolla thinks it's ok to pass you as you're slowing for a speed bump so he can get his dang Taco Casa. I understand those are some good tacos, but you're lucky that person didn't turn left as you passed dummy.
The driver may have been a young female driving extremely aggressive - nearly hitting multiple vehicles, tailing-gaiting vehicles to within inches of hitting them. However. the most frightening view was reckless driving through a school zone.
This silver Toyota Sequoia hit me getting onto 71 from Brandt Drive (near ABIA) and then took off. I followed her to get photos of her license plate and vehicle. This woman told me she would pull over and then took off, maybe didn’t have insurance? Keep your eyes out for this one.
Sexy driver