Always on her phone age 16-17, Mexian, long 12 inch electric blue fingernails, flips you off if you "interrupt" her Snapchatting or whatever. WILL DRIVE WITH MIDDLE FINGER STUCK OUT AT YOU, even on the highway, a speeder, and crazy psycho bish
Bobbing and weaving through traffic like a bat out of hell, and with a very top heavy load, an entire refrigerator standing straight up in the bed of his truck, no less. I legitimately thought he was about to tip over a few times.
Dallas, 635 west. Oh my God! Look up girl! I've never seen a driver so involved in her phone! And you almost rear-ended that grey Explorer didn't you! I was the sucker stuck behind you, hope you enjoyed the sound of my horn! Your actions are just stupid. It's not worth it!!!! Put it down and drive!
Always on her phone age 16-17, Mexian, long 12 inch electric blue fingernails, flips you off if you "interrupt" her Snapchatting or whatever. WILL DRIVE WITH MIDDLE FINGER STUCK OUT AT YOU, even on the highway, a speeder, and crazy psycho bish