Light green Kia Soul, 2015 model VIN: KNDJN2A25F7218792 registered in Buckley Washington - Trashy looking lady driving like a d*** - refused to let me in at a zipper (where neither lane had a yield and while I was already ahead), then brake checked me when I honked and proceeded to box me in under the speed limit for the next 8 miles. Finally I got to my turn and watched the driver immediately cut off and brake check another - first saw on NB 167 just beyond the off ramp for SR512 - green in color, vehicle is dirty
This vehicle is a white 2019 Toyota C-HR that is hired security-patrol-vehicle for the stores Albert Lee, Burlington, World Market, Petco and Joann in Tacoma off Tacoma Mall Blvd. Vin #JTNKHMBX0K1043779.
Brian Kohberger