768 TKJ 12/03/16 2:30 PM

Parked on wrong side of the road for several days and and when they did finally move itt hey were obviously heavily intoxicated. Retarded!
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649 VRB 11/21/16 5:39 PM

Super aggressive driver and road rager. Ran 2 cars off of I43 southbound at the Mequon road ramp and kept going. Cut me off earlier, flashed my brights at him and he then tried to run me off the road.
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220 XVK 11/13/16 4:36 AM

Horrible driver! Almost hit a dog and didn't flinch. Road rage, road hog, and seemed to be driving under the influence
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017 VZY 10/25/16 3:21 PM

What an ugly attempt at a human being I now know we do come from the apes if you see this guy show no courtesy unless of course you are scraping his guts from beneath a b-double.
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302 RCN 10/27/16 7:09 AM

nasty aggressive driver
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912 WDX 10/13/16 8:04 AM

Driver tailed me for about 10 miles within two or 3 feet of my car. Forced me to speed 10 miles an hour over speed limit and did not pass me. Driver attempted to pass to stopped schoolbuses and then threw up his hands angrily when the stop arm came out.
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174 YZZ 10/13/16 3:26 AM

Absolute Terrible Driver, darts right out in front of traffic, drives erratic. Stay Away from on the road for your safety.
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481 RJW 10/03/16 1:51 AM

This maniac (QLD number plates, small black hatchback) tried to cause an accident on a wet highway at high speed. First he tried to tailgate me out of his way in single lane traffic. Then in an act of sheer spite he passed me on dual carriageway (I let him pass me) then tried to run me off the road by braking hard in front of me. He did this twice and nearly caused other cars to leave the road at high speed. He seemed to be high on crystal meth and had a disgusting violent temper. I warn anyone who has to be in the same area as this rock ape to leave quickly. I encourage others to report this criminal.
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721 XCV 10/09/16 11:09 AM

Suspiciously driving around our apartment complex several times very slowly... possibly looking for vehicles to break into.
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253 WGL 09/26/16 1:43 AM

They backed into my car while parking. I didn't even know about it except that someone witnessed them doing it, wrote a note, and left it on my windshield. Must be a bad driver as they have black duct tape on their rear left bumper. Obviously not their first time hitting something. Terrible driver, blatantly disrespectful. I hope if you ever do this to someone again you get busted big time jackhole.
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Worst drivers in November

  1. LBB 8917 (NY)
  2. NFS 9634 (TX)
  3. AG41SK (FL)
  4. RHB 8065 (TX)
  5. 57841V3 (CA)
  6. 5ZBV218 (CA)
  7. 8VBS650 (CA)
  8. BML3107 (TN)
  9. 942BGRW (TN)
  10. TBX8047 (CA)

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