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COVFEFE 07/26/24 6:07 PM

Nice cock
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CF68K09 07/08/24 10:00 AM

Hit and runner!
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CCCCCCC 08/07/23 4:00 PM

Funny licence plate.
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CATION 06/30/23 6:18 AM

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CP32U88 06/13/23 1:10 AM

Girl drives reckless and leaves her trash in the middle of the road at the stop light
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CA license plates:
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Worst drivers in October

  1. LBB 8917 (NY)
  2. RHB 8065 (TX)
  3. VIZ0S0 (FL)
  4. NFS 9634 (TX)
  5. 9FJD965 (CA)
  6. 4TEX788 (CA)
  7. KLH 3340 (NY)
  8. 6WDG928 (CA)
  9. KJH 3340 (NY)
  10. RIO8U (FL)

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