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MASHAD 10/01/23 2:41 AM

Can’t pick a lane for his life. F this dude.
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MUGGELS 08/11/18 10:11 AM

THIS FUCKR nearly took off my left tail light. His wreckless behaviour is unacceptable and to this this all happened at a Costco gas station. Bloody fucking hell!
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DFF 5788 04/21/24 5:58 PM

Jesus, what the hell was that, cutting off someone on the freeway just so you woldn't be slowed down? It could've been a mess.
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EXC 1371 04/14/24 4:58 PM

Tried to run over a pedestrian with her car.
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DZU 0650 04/19/24 1:37 PM

what the hell is wrong with you
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