This person hit me on bicycle while I was crossing legally on GREN LIGHT FOR PEDESTRIANS. The man was turning right and did not even look on the right. He went straight into me.
Beware of this guy. He is in a black Cadillac sedan, and is armed. He is Mexican, highly volatile, and a younger gentleman. He tried to order me out of my car so he could fight me. It all started because he wouldn't let me merge when I needed to. I didn't even cut him off, in fact I tried to avoid it. My blinker was on for three minutes at least, and I sped up to as far as I could go and merged. Then he lost his shit and started freaking out on me.
Tailgated me on the 17 until he had enough space to get into another lane and changed lanes back to mine too early in what I assume was an attempt to make me feel like 70 in a 55 was too slow and let me know I had wronged him.
Entitled old woman going slow in the left lane, driving in two lanes with no idea of where she was trying to go, and brake checking. Take your meds and get off the road, grandma.
This guy is an asshole //