BKC9826 08/31/16 5:09 PM

The genius in this vehicle cut me off while traveling on Highway 87 between Fountain Hills and Mesa. I gave him a honk to let him know my displeasure at having to break to avoid rear ending him. Apparently the honk sent him in to a tizzy where he immediately slammed on his breaks, nearly causing a several vehicle pileup. As I passed him later, he gave me the one finger salute. Drivers beware and avoid this tool!
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BFR4769 09/06/16 2:31 PM

This guy drives around with ladders sticking out of his truck past 4 feet (he was around 8 feet). He stated he has been doing this for twenty years.
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BRM9241 08/30/16 2:25 PM

This lady was stopped at a stop sign outside my house indicating left, when I pulled behind her I waited a few seconds, then gave a light honk. No movement. Then more honking. Nothing. So I pull up next to her, she's looking at her phone. Looks up long enough to tell me to fuck off. I got out of my car to confront her, that's when she speeds off.
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BKB6171 09/04/16 10:19 AM

This guy was seen littering in a McDonalds drive thru what a piece of chit. There a trash can if he rolled up 5 feet so lazy
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CDAWG 09/04/16 9:23 AM

Very reckless driver. 25+ over the speed limit, tailgating and never once uses a turn signal. Steer clear of this individual! Red Chevy sedan.
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650TPK 08/29/16 8:57 PM

The white truck with this plate has been spotted illegally removing campaign signs. Suspected to be working for John McCain.
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BLZ7896 08/28/16 6:40 AM

This POS will try to run you off the road. Narrowly missing dozens of cars and no turn signal, doing well over the speed limit... White G6. Most likely a druggie. BLZ7896
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BKX9356 08/27/16 6:45 AM

So this girl end up stealing a ton of my daughter's new shit ,birth certificate, insurance card etc.... got her plates
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BWN9044 08/26/16 6:55 PM

Your just a kid but there's no excuse for driving like a jackass. One day your gonna mess with the wrong person and get hurt or worse...
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211XXF 08/26/16 10:36 AM

Driver cuts into left turn lane at last minute. Rear ended me and takes off.
Damage to hood and grill on his car.
No damage to heavy duty bumpers on my Jeep.
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  2. NFS 9634 (TX)
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