This person is a dick. Cuts you off in a turning lane and weaves in and out of lanes while hugging the rear bumper of the car in front. Find him in Kendall, FL daily on 104 Street around Miami Dade College, and travels on the Palmetto Expressway. Let's get this mother fucker before he causes a major accident.
This person has a white honda accord and 2 VERY DANGEROUS pit bull dogs that viciously attacked my 2 little pomeranians while we were walking to the park yesterday. They are irresponsible young people, there was a young man and young woman, maybe 18-20 yrs old who took off in their car after their dogs attacked mine. I stood behind the vehicle while he tried to back up because I wanted to get their information, but the cowards took off. I was able to get a photo of this license plate. If anyone has any information on who these low lifes are, please contact me!!!!!
Took his place unashamedly in the handicap spot tonight. Sat in the vehicle, probably because he knows the pretty fine law enforcement would give him if they caught him.
Beware of this driver, he attempted to throw his RAM 3500 BLUE VAN into my car on the way to work. He also caused an accident between another car and myself. I called the local police and followed him for a few blocks, he was very nervous once he realized I was following him and tried to lose me but I drive a sports car so he had no chance. Either way the police told me to fall back and let them handle the situation, I was under the impression he was drunk.
Esta persona se acerco hoy a mi casa muy agresivo y al principio se identifico verbal mente como una persona de la corte me pareció extraño y al pedir una identificación. Se molesto mas y dijo que la había olvidado en su carro y se molesto por que pedí su identificación me pregunto 2 veces si en realidad quería mirar la identificación por que la había olvidado en su carro, aparte me mostró esta identificación que me pareció extraña.
Y le dije que le iba a tomar una foto y me dijo que esta bien, al ver que en realidad tome la foto se altero mucho y me agredió verbalmente, me tiro un papel en la cara y subió a su carro muy alterado por que no quise recibir el papel que no venia en ningún sobre y me di cuenta que no tenia ningún logotipo oficial de la corte.... Aparte el logotipo de el id no concuerda con los logotipos oficiales de la corte
Very bad driver. Cut into my lane when there was only 2 feet between me and the car in front of me. At 408 and 50