This bozo cut me off on 86th St by swerving into my lane with no signal leaving a foot to spare. His lane was ending so he flew past everyone and swerved into my lane.
This Beaverdale numbnut turned left from 3rd St to Walnut from the middle lane. She nearly tore my front end off by cutting me off since I was turning left from the correct left lane.
This phallus-less cop passed me on Douglas at a high rate of speed. He then cut me off with no signal to get on I-80. He tailgated this van all the way down the ramp. He then took off at 85+ weaving in and out of traffic with no signals. It wasn't safe to keep up with him as he drove back to Warren County.
Drove slow on the interstate on purpose and backed up traffic, when people tried passing him, he would start speeding up and proceeded to flip you off!
This pickaninny honked at me because I pulled out into the lane beside her. So I pulled into the lane ahead of her. She flipped me off and honked at me at the light when it changed. She passed me on the right and threw out the window all of her McDonald's wrappers and cup as she flipped me off. What a hood bunny. You have no plates at all. I will make sure that all of the DMPD has your photo to make sure that you are cited.