Y85 5816 03/15/16 5:11 PM

The plates to this car which has been purchased Fruadulent has been Revoked. Yet they are still driving around. Please call 911 if you see these plates.
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K92 6905 03/15/16 7:28 AM

This driver was behind me on the Dan Ryan 3/14/2016 at apprx. 6 PM, we both decided to change lanes, he thought he should be in front of me and proceeded to try and pass me on the right side, after I did not allow that he rolled down his window and called me a F----ing N---er several times as I exited the expressway. This is what makes people shoot at other drivers
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E71 7315 03/12/16 3:59 PM

The guy decided he wanted to occupy the space on the road I was in. After honking, he slammed on his breaks, pulled next to me, and made incredibly sexist lewd gestures. He's why you should need personality tests to drive.
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P77 8966 03/18/16 1:21 PM

This fat driver was definetly on drug or something. He kept giving middle fingers to every driver around him.
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V44 1965 03/17/16 5:19 PM

You don't drive like crazy in the bike lane in 5:00 pm traffic on Halsted and then scream at bikers you just almost killed who are properly using the lane. Stupid jerk
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P56 9013 03/10/16 11:22 AM

Although many people associate aggressive driving with speeding or crazy maneuvers, these actions aren't always needed to be driving aggressively. This driver's license plate "frame", states an example of how you can drive slow and be driving not only aggressively, but like a total jack ass.... For all of you prick jobs who decide to drive in the left lane and drive at or under the speed limit, because you want to try and stop people from speeding, YOU ARE AT FAULT! Unless you are a police officer, it's not your job to slow other driver's down. In fact the law states and 'll paraphrase..... SLOWER TRAFFIC MOVE THE FUCK OVER TO THE RIGHT!!! You're endangering more lives than the speeder.
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A50 1718 03/15/16 3:55 PM

Gold junk caravan pulls in kemper park in carpentersville everyday blasting subwoofer will no longer be tolerated police will be called every time
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P79 7295 03/15/16 10:40 AM

This driver is driving on at least 4 DWLR's. Driving children around and is on conditional discharge in 2 separate counties.
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Z41 4259 03/14/16 1:35 PM

Tailgater, fast driver and zig zags through traffic, cuts everyone off. Saw car in Park Ridge, IL.
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V76 5261 03/06/16 5:17 PM

These person assault me on downtown area and flee. Police saided they cant do nothing about. I just beep because he cut me off.
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