H98 1452 05/08/16 5:30 PM

Dangerous to motorcyclist. Tailgates dangerously close at highway speeds, merges to other lane, passed and cuts riders off.
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Y79 6457 05/14/16 6:40 PM

They were over dosed and passed out with baby in back seat, at the quiktrip on lilac in missouri.
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Z82 4126 05/13/16 7:05 PM

Nice driving today jackass. Blowing through 2 stop signs and doing 40 in a school zone. Hope next time you wrap that little Mitsubishi around a tree
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Z21 6075 05/06/16 8:37 AM

Routinely Blocks driveways during school drop off and is staring at her phone while in reverse because she had cars honking at her to move out of the way. Clueless
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V39 2065 05/12/16 4:47 PM

OMG, this guy knows that the guy to the right gets to go first at a stop sign. Thank you, sir. Tell everyone you know!
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L64 1406 05/12/16 4:44 PM

A-hole texting and doing 50 in the fast lane at 4:00pm. I gave him the one-finger salute and he took MY picture. Ha!
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A56 3623 05/08/16 11:41 PM

The driver of this car is a nut! Drives all wacky, drinking vodka and kept playing Russian Roulette while driving.
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HDG576 05/01/16 10:47 PM

This Honda Civic has car alarm that goes off intermittently every day about 25 -50 times. From Thursday night April 28 to Sunday night May 2 at least. It is Parked on the North side of Chicago on Sunnyside. At least 5 people have called 311 and then 911 to just have it towed. 911 takes message but Chicago Police do nothing. We know its not life and death situation, but imagine a car alarm going off all night every night within 100 feet of your residence. Sometimes it goes off twice in 10 minutes, then it takes a 30 min break and goes off 4 times in 20 minutes. then maybe it does not go off for two hours and then goes of 10 times in an hour. We have no hair left to pull out of our heads. Just trying to get someone to tow it. Not a huge deal. will probably just call 911 again. Ahhhh - torturous!
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Y81 5241 05/01/16 9:14 AM

Whois this man
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SUEM 04/25/16 8:31 PM

this car was tailgating me today on Broadmoor driving like a crazy person I pulled over to let them by
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