Entitled young man & girl who think they can park wherever & however they please. Totally oblivious that they inconveinced other people. Hopefully karma will catch up with them soon, after Daddy pays the bill.
Selfish dangerous maniac. Pulls U-turns causing emergency braking of traffic. Also punishment passes cyclists and goes on about how he has no responsibility to other road users because he pays taxes, and cyclists are 'fucking fags' and 'fucking liberals', which to his special snowflake sense of entitlement means they're sub-human and he can threaten their lives.
This guy tailgaited me for a while - he was literally in my back seat - then passed me and tried to run me off the road while doing it. He almost clipped my mirror. Then he decided to slam on his brakes to a complete stop in left lane of a highway. WTF?
Driver follows so close can't see the hood of the Subaru they are driving. And I was going 15 to 20 over limit. Was swerving all over behind me, even through center of town.
Took a swipe nearly causing a multi-car accident in dense traffic by half merging into me after tailgating at high speed and failing to pass on the right and cut me off.
Entitled young man & girl who think they can park wherever & however they please. Totally oblivious that they inconveinced other people. Hopefully karma will catch up with them soon, after Daddy pays the bill.