EPB 3912 07/26/24 7:00 PM

Driver tried to get with a 15 year old girl.
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EQS 8280 05/17/24 5:13 AM

You will kill someone. With any luck, it is you and your family, and you delete your retarded genetic dead-end.
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DFF 5788 04/21/24 5:58 PM

Jesus, what the hell was that, cutting off someone on the freeway just so you woldn't be slowed down? It could've been a mess.
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EXC 1371 04/14/24 4:58 PM

Tried to run over a pedestrian with her car.
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DZU 0650 04/19/24 1:37 PM

what the hell is wrong with you
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EUQ 2058 04/09/24 1:07 AM

Damn, sorry we hesitated and made you 0.05 seconds later.
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EUV 7583 03/02/24 6:07 AM

This is the Jeep that crashed into Walmart in Canton MI 3/1/24
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EPW 4263 03/08/24 1:51 PM

Damn, did the turn signal in the truck your mommy bought stop working? Are you not ablr to see over the wheel?
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DZU 0650 02/14/24 1:33 PM

You are retarded. Passing two cars on a double-yellow to end up at a light? You're gonna kill someone, and with any luck it'll only be you.
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5NZP20 02/11/24 5:25 PM

We're all impressed by your Mustang. Especially when you got stopped by a red light.
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  2. NFS 9634 (TX)
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  6. 8VBS650 (CA)
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