PKB 4355 01/16/20 8:44 PM

He’s cute !! Who is it
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FBV 9126 01/15/20 1:48 PM

Big pimpin
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DMB 5889 01/14/20 2:46 PM

Blocking the drive way, sitting from 3 days
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FHE 2032 12/18/19 3:15 PM

This Jeep is the worst driver. Guaranteed car accident. Flying through and changing lanes. Horrible.
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FAV 3659 11/25/19 1:23 PM

This guy side swiped a vehicle while pulling out of the parking lot and drove away. He was speeding down independence rd and tailgating other drivers. Please be careful when you see this guy and call the police.
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AJ26096 11/20/19 10:04 AM

Big truck. Crazy mother fucker ran me off the road!!! For no reason!! I was going OVER the speed limit. They blinded me, got surprised when I got pissed, and then proceeded to try to RUN ME OFF OF THE ROAD. truck number 80. stay safe everybody. keep away from this crazy fucker.
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AAP 8983 11/06/19 3:55 PM

Almost caused several accidents on Aviation Parkway near RDU airport on Nov 6th by randomly weaving between lanes without signaling, randomly braking and accelerating. Completely oblivious to everything around. Possibly impaired by alcohol or other substance.
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PHF 7092 11/02/19 3:42 PM

Complete psychopath. Came out of nowhere, completely unprovoked, and tried to run me off the road. There are two lanes, I’m in one on the right... they whip over and slam on brakes. Had to call the cops. Have no clue if they thought I was someone else and was trying to kill me, and have no idea if the cops ever did anything. People like this psycho should not be on the road. I can only hope they hurt themselves and not someone else acting this insane.
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HCZ 9082 10/29/19 3:33 PM

Aggressive lady driver that made us feel attacked and about to die.
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PBW 9678 10/20/19 3:35 PM

Drifted into my lane without looking or signaling, almost hit me. Then a few minutes later randomly stopped in the middle of the road and opened their door, forcing other drivers to go around.
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