Nineteen (19) violations to date on Howsmydriving. Mostly school speed zone camera violations. Spotted this driver throwing used soda cup on the street. Besides the disregard with the safety of school children there is also a disregard for littering. I’m sure this is the type of person that will complain about rat infestations without a concern for the root of the problem.
Twenty Nine (29) violations listed on how’smydriving, mostly school speed zone camera violations. This shows a blatant disregard for the safety of school children on the part of this driver.
Seven (7) violations to date on howsmydrivingNY . This driver does not understand what it means to yield to oncoming traffic. Seems to be in a rush to get to the next traffic light or to line up behind the next traffic jam. The logic just makes no sense.
came across this guy while driving on LIE. Saw him between exit 33 and 39. He was tailgating, swerving and stopping abruptly. Driver was an older guy maybe late 40s or early 50s. Black and white beard. His nonsense is gonna get someone hurt or killed.
Goes through a stop sign and tries to side swipe me. Then tries again when my passenger takes a pic of his plate. Argued with me about taking a pic.