HDV 3239 05/23/23 12:44 AM

Black Caravan/Town & Country. Driving along throwing 7 Meals worth of McDonald's trash out the window as they go; a cloud of skunky not-legal-in-ohio smoke billowing behind them. Unable to maintain a speed or a lane.
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GNV 6554 05/03/23 2:44 PM

Old Dude.... you drive a Honda Odyssey. No one is intimidated by your weaving through traffic, flashing your brights, tailgating, and slamming on your brakes when someone won't let you pass.

Go take some blood pressure medicine, get yourself an amigo, and check into a retirement home where you belong (because you certainly don't belong on the road!)
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JNZ 8018 05/02/23 8:42 PM

Horrid driver! Because I had the temerity to go 35 MPH in a 35 MPH zone this bozo tailgated me then passed on the left in a work zone before coming to a light! Turned, no signal of course, then sped away.
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HODLX 04/15/23 2:49 PM

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FNU 1388 04/19/23 6:36 PM

Big black truck. Runs right through red lights. Not light that just turned red. Dude just blasts through any time he doesn't see cross traffic.
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YORDAN3 04/19/23 7:10 AM

Bulgarian making moves again.
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HMK 8620 03/10/23 6:35 PM

Swerving through lanes, went over the yellow lines on the highway to pass people. Very dangerous. Should not be insured.
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GVF 1111 03/09/23 9:03 AM

Ohio ahh license plate 💀 crackas tweakin fo real
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DEYMOMY 02/09/23 7:53 PM

My GOD someone is entitled. Just because you have a custom license plate does not mean u need to drive like you own the road. That means not cutting in a turn lane but WAITING YOUR TURN.
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HCF 9906 01/09/23 4:32 PM

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