M83 66K 10/20/18 6:32 PM

Does not respect cyclists. Screamed “get off the road” while I was as far right over on a 2 lane road. They don’t seem to be very smart either because they pulled into their driveway right down the road from where they sped past me less than 3ft away from me.
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J44 76A 09/11/18 1:21 PM

Jerk purposely hits dogs!
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F83064 09/10/18 1:16 PM

This guy drives like a maniac and hides behind his firefighter tag! Unbelievable!
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X33 88H 09/10/18 1:08 PM

This little punk was running about 90mph and passing on the shoulder! He was a gangly kid with a huge nose! Ugly and dangerous. Bad combination!
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U80 04X 08/22/18 5:04 PM

Black Jeep Wrangler 4-door. Young punk driver speeds through neighborhood. Very confrontational. Is not capable of speaking without cursing every other word. Best to ignore him and make sure your security cameras are operable!
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K57 89Y 08/13/18 5:48 PM

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7C73X3 08/20/18 7:11 PM

Texting while driving with baby in car seat.
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X42 53U 07/27/18 8:42 PM

Dinged door of my Jag while I was sitting inside eating with a friend. Hit it so hard it shook the car.I steeped out and saido. I THINK YOU BUMPED MY CAR. He said, you parked too close, but I was in the middle of the spot. Then he said, I had my hand between the door and your car. Besides, I wouldn'the touch your piece of shit car.I looked and saw two witnesses. I said, it'seems not a big deal, I have good insurance. And he said, YOUNT RYAN OF FUCKING REPORT ME AND SEE HOW THAT WORKS FOR YOU and pulled out and sped off. The two guys who saw it were like, man, he was aggressive over nothing. The one guy gotmhismtag. It was a fat, balding slovenly guy, unshaven. The car didn'the have hubcaps but black rims. So I guess I'llc hit and run report him and my best is they'llc first day he was drinking at BMW and has no insurance.
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Y73 86V 07/29/18 12:30 AM

This guy flashed me in the parking lot of Wal-Mart.
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