Extremely reckless she tried to run me into a wall on i-10 as well as rake checked me 3 times one of which was on an enterance ramp to i-10 she came to a dead stop i had to lock up my brakes even abs had to kick in to stop me! This driver is extremely unsafe and not of a sane mind to be driving on the road. Cops were called both HPD and MVPD are on the lookout.
This chick is such a cautiously aware driver! Honestly you don't see many drivers like her on the road anymore or else this world would be a much safer and happier place
Go back to Texas! Learn some manners & how to drive. Watch this crazy Tx driver, he's up in Oklahoma trying to run into drivers & acts like it's not his fault. I'm sure there's a reason he's not in Tx, he's CRAZY !!!
Was forced off of the interstate by this silver jerk wad!! Keep an eye out for this one and stay away almost kissed the wall cause of her. Couldn't get a make or model due to the fact she ran off and exited asap. Stay safe!!!
Extremely reckless she tried to run me into a wall on i-10 as well as rake checked me 3 times one of which was on an enterance ramp to i-10 she came to a dead stop i had to lock up my brakes even abs had to kick in to stop me! This driver is extremely unsafe and not of a sane mind to be driving on the road. Cops were called both HPD and MVPD are on the lookout.