Dangerously tailgated me the entire way down a 30 mile per hour residential street. Passed me through the bike lane honking and flipping me off, then slammed on the breaks in front of me. Continued to speed up/slow down to get next to me once we'd turned. I had to pull over into a parking lot because I feared what she would do.
Trespassed to go "muddling" in a privately owned field intended to be used as a t-ball field for special needs children. The damage is so bad the program has been cancelled.
Aggressive driver nearly ran me over onto sidewalk at 38th and Guadalupe unwilling to allow merge into lane then flipped me off for no apparent reason. Plates BBH 5938
As I accelerated away from a stop light in the left lane this white SUV swerved behind me because the truck in the right lane was not accelerating as fast. My car (which isn't the best car) gave a bit of a hiccup and refused to accelerate any more. The white SUV began swerving back and forth behind my car and the truck next to me. The truck decelerated and moved behind me in the left lane to allow the white SUV by (which was rather kind of them as I couldn't move over while we were pacing each other) and the White SUV accelerated and moved in front of me. I changed to the slow lane because of the hiccup and I was only just barely keeping up with the speed of traffic. The white SUV moved into the slow lane directly in front of me and slammed on their brakes so I moved back into the fast lane because I thought they were turning. The white SUV moved so that the white line in the middle of the road was running between their tires, taking up both lanes and remaining there. At that point I knew that they were driving erratically on purpose. I moved into the right lane and turned onto a side street as soon as possible to avoid any continued interaction with the erratic driver.
This is a white Toyota , in the left lane intentionally driving next to the car in the right lane , which caused me unable to get to the hospital in time to say good bye to a friend . she had not only me but approx. 50 cars backup one sorry stupid person
Dangerously tailgated me the entire way down a 30 mile per hour residential street. Passed me through the bike lane honking and flipping me off, then slammed on the breaks in front of me. Continued to speed up/slow down to get next to me once we'd turned. I had to pull over into a parking lot because I feared what she would do.