You blew through the stop sign and cut across three lanes of traffic on south clack, making me have to slam brakes pop up on the edge of the curb of the five foot drop, almost causing an accident that could have killed me, my dog and my unborn child. Followed you to the next light and you had the audacity to sayyid didn't see me because you were on your phone. Like it was an ok excuse. Three lanes of traffic. Do you know how lucky you are you didn't kill anyone and and that me and the other two cars you almost crashed into were paying attention. A big f u to you sir.
You have very poor driving skills. You passed me "using the turning lane" on hwy 114-main street in Olney, Texas while I was driving the speed limit and I was about to get into the turning lane to going to the library. I followed you to the EMS office and thought "OMG!" He's an EMT for Olney Texas? NO WAY! Are EMT'S required to do driving test each year, 2 years...etc? They need to be. There are some great EMT'S in Olney but just like anywhere, there is always a bad grape in any professional. Prayers for that wreckless EMT driver.
BMN 7945The Driver you almost crashed into...08/24/16 8:36 AM
Hey you FUCK FACE, you almost caused a BAD accident because YOU missed where you wanted to turn because YOU weren't paying attention!!! You almost wrecked into 2 people getting off the exit at Precinct Line/ had to swerve your car erratically out of the way to miss us both! YOU ASSHOLE! HOW DARE YOU ENDANGER MY LIFE BECAUSE OF YOUR STUPID MISTAKE!! Not to mention your ERRATIC driving on 183WB. GET OFF THE ROAD UNTIL YOU LEARN TO DRIVE BETTER!!!
These people come up behind you and start screaming and throwing stuff at your vehicle. They especially like street corners on the east side of town where people gather. When you get out they send their young children to get in your face and cuss at you hoping for a reaction to sue.
This is a con artist with multi personalities also has a bad meth habit and will tell people anything to get money. Watch out
Phony contractor