Unbelievably rude! Pulls out across 3 lanes of traffic, cutting me off and the 12 people behind me. I had to stand on my breaks to keep from getting hit. No apology wave or anything. Then processed to cut more people off on Mopac Expressway. Needs to learn to drive a Van with a Trailer!
Driver crossed three lane access road and double white median to get onto onramp. Pulled out in front of me so I honked. Driver stepped on brakes, parked car on on-ramp to Dallas Central expressway, opened driver door, leaned out, and preceded to yell threats. Threatened to shoot me. Once on highway, threatened again to shoot and kill as well as obscenities.
This African American female is always driving fast during school zone hrs. And speeding around the apt area. Kids and adults are walk on walk way and just speeds up towards them.
Unbelievably rude! Pulls out across 3 lanes of traffic, cutting me off and the 12 people behind me. I had to stand on my breaks to keep from getting hit. No apology wave or anything. Then processed to cut more people off on Mopac Expressway. Needs to learn to drive a Van with a Trailer!