DG6N757 05/10/16 1:33 PM

This car is a BLUE SMART CAR with the license plate DG6 N757. HE IS DANGEROUS AND NOT STABLE. This man ran a stop sign off of 35. I went around him, he continued to follow me very closely. He almost rear ended me, pulled up DIRECTLY NEXT TO ME in the middle lane (I was in the right lane at this point) and started making gun handjesters towards me. I pulled out my camera and he attempted to speed off. Not fast enough as I was able to get this fine picture of his car and license plate. He is an elderly man, 60's+ with white hair and he is white. Watch out for him!! He has some serious anger issues and can not drive at all. He's dangerous and if I come in contact with him again, I am recording everything and pressing charges.
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GJN 5161 05/10/16 9:56 AM

Caught this guy swerving on the road before pulling into a shopping center and then just park in the lane blocking a parked car and two open spaces.
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CWP 4774 05/17/16 7:59 AM

Hit me (rear-ended) and ran.
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CXX 9560 05/09/16 2:14 PM

My car was stolen on April 26,2016 in Austin,Tx any and all info is a blessing thanks its a yellow 2002 Mitsubishi Lancer rally edition
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CJW 1672 05/09/16 7:30 PM

You are holding up the line buddy at Walgreens!!! Next time go inside or drive around!!!!!
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AS46115 05/08/16 3:41 PM

On 5/7/2016 at 7:14 pm in Southbound Interstate 5 exit 133 onto Washington State Highway 7.
The Driver of this Black Chevy Silverado cut me off at the last minute to EXIT the Interstate and SLAMMED on their brakes with NO BODY in front. The driver cut across 2 lanes of traffic to do this.
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GKM 1405 05/15/16 3:12 PM

Sorry I have a lot of road rage and I accidentally speed sometimes. Steer clear of my path
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FMX 7039 05/08/16 1:05 AM

This woman nearly backed into me and my child as we were taking the grocery cart across the parking lot and back to where the carts belong. She was waiting for a vehicle to pull out of a spot in front of the store. She drove right by us ignoring the pedestrian walkway signs. I stopped with my child in the grocery cart then went behind her a good three feet and the woman suddenly went in reverse! I race out of the way with my child and get to where she can see me and give her a look. She gives me the finger. Really? You nearly injure a mother and child and give them the finger? Then she gets out of her vehicle after screaming and telling in it while parking and continues to scream profanities at me and my four year old. Again, she doesn't know how to drive, use mirrors, follow signs, and she nearly injures us and I did something wrong? It's a shitty person being an even shittier driver. Egg her for me, key her vehicle for me. Austin, TX 78756
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CHZ 3905 05/14/16 2:17 PM

You cut me off man
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DWX 9554 05/07/16 11:45 AM

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