JSK120 05/05/16 3:48 PM

Hit and run driver
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GHM 5477 04/28/16 1:48 PM

On April 21st, 2016 this woman pulled out of a Race Trac store parking lot without slowing down or looking, causing me to have to slam on my brakes and jerk my wheel hard to the right. This also caused my tires to screech loudly and my car to end up sideways, missing her bumper by inches. At 56 years old, this incident left me hurting physically, and this self absorbed driver felt it was in her best interest to drive on, never stopping to check on me. Never even applied her brakes. Lovely person. I was sore for a week, seriously. And since that exit is onto a busy 2 lane street with no shoulders, I am very lucky I did not hit one of the many large older trees that line the street. To top it all off, once I was able to correct my cars position and get back on the road, she ran the stop sign at the corner, presumably to avoid me. I was able to catch a quick picture. Look out for this driver.
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AV97025 04/27/16 10:10 AM

Was almost touching my car with how close he was tailing me, so I finally just had to break check him, and he aggressively went around me and then got in front of me only to slow down, obviously on purpose, he then continued to drive crazy.
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BPP 7011 05/04/16 9:14 AM

Worst morning commuter ever! Watch him cut you off on I-35E South bound near FM407. I guess he works for Lewisville Medical Center.
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CBK 7619 04/26/16 9:25 AM

This driver and her husband in a Red Ford pickup with wood sides in the truck bed saying 'Pecans', road raged my young son and I on our way to Alvin on FM 1462, trapping us between their two vehicles, stopping traffic to get out and yell profanities at me in the roadway. We thought he was going to kill us and we could not get out of the trap they had us in. This was all because earlier on the road, I attempted to passed CBK 7619 and she sped up an blocked me from getting around her. Her husband, Red Ford pickup, said I almost ran her off the road which is a lie---these people have obviously done this before, because they way they knew how to trap my vehicle perfectly between theirs indicated this wasn't the first time.
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BTA 6585 04/26/16 8:13 AM

This person is a fraud. If you ever get a case of an accident from this person, fight hard and find any and every evidence that proves your innocence! This person or persons watches your schedule to estimate likely accidents.
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BPW 6430 05/02/16 7:57 PM

He Sould Be In Jail For What He Did No Matter What His Age Is. Worst Driver Ever.
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DV691E 04/25/16 7:33 AM

This person is either a disabled veteran or driving someone's vehicle who is one. Today they decided that driving through the Fort Sam Houston cemetery to bypass the line of people trying to get on post was the best option. Not only is it disrespectful to do so, they also made an illegal right turn even though the no right turn sign is posted barely 4 feet from the drivers face. What a tool.
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GXN 0809 05/02/16 5:21 AM

A road rage driver, puts others at risk. No regard for speed limits, multiple lane changes to put others at risk. When he can't get his way, he throws up his finger and when confronted he runs.
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DRJ 0779 05/01/16 10:26 PM

Aggressive bad driver will kill someone
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