Z050125 09/04/16 1:15 PM

Part of mercenary squad attacking Native Americans with dogs at Standing Rock, ND on 9/3/16.
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Z63 9RE 09/03/16 5:07 PM

The gentleman driving this car honked at me in the parking lot of the Costco not exactly sure why, then tail gated me all the way up to the main highway where I was in a right turn only lane, moved into the lane on my left and as the light turned turn green and I started to turn he whipped around in the outside lane which was not a turn lane and almost ran me off the road. He then raced down the road way over the speed limit got stop by the first light when I pulled up beside him he flipped me off and ran through the red light. I decided to follow him for a while and see if I can have a talk with him about endangering his child and his unnecessary behavior and reckless driving, he got on the freeway and took off at over 85 miles an hour so I said never mind but I'd sure like to know where this guy lives because he still needs a good talking to before he hurts someone. I do have some video of his antics but I've decided not to post of it this time as there's really no reason to do it.
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E89 5CH 09/02/16 11:23 AM

Jackass cut me off without signaling causing me to slam my break in the middle of 5 pm traffic hour, flipped me off, I flipped him off back, he then tried to crash into me various times on my way home . I had my 5 month old baby boy in the back.
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X48 1PZ 09/01/16 11:38 AM

these very rude inconsiderate people blocked an entire street because they were to lazy to walk an additional 8 ft to move out of the apartment complex. So instead they just blocked the entire street and parking garage for the entire building.
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D56 6UG 09/06/16 7:02 PM

I am in love with this man
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D57 1ZP 08/31/16 9:46 AM

I don't think this plate go to this car it's on a BMW blue two door is located at 33 29 East Crest Road West Valley Utah
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X64 6XN 08/30/16 4:52 PM

Bad driver. Swerving and chased by the cops outside a school.
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W05 3FB 08/26/16 1:15 PM

This CRV cut me off while I was waiting at the light.
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Z10 8PW 08/16/16 10:29 PM

It's a dark grey Honda Accord. They left their dog in the vehicle at Walmart today. I don't know how long they were in there, because the car was already there when I got there. I didn't think much of it at first, because I thought it belonged to the lady standing there talking to friends, so I went inside. Nope. I was inside for at least 20 minutes, and they were right behind me when I went back to my vehicle. They put they're groceries in the trunk before they even turned the a/c on for the dog. Then I backed out of my space and started driving, then they started to back out without looking. If I didn't stop, I'm sure she would have backed into me. When they got out of the parking space and drove away I noticed her driving isn't even that great. The back bumper was also pretty dented up, so either they've backed into someone before, or someone ran into them at some point. Either way, the driving wasn't good.
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D08 9XX 08/22/16 8:20 PM

Hit and run on 6400 west and 3500 south. What a piece of work.
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