Completely reckless driver. Cutting off cars with kids inside. Excessive speeding. Grey Dodg truck. Called UHP in hopes he doesn't kill someone or several people for that matter.
MR. A-Hole in the Gray Chrysler Town & Country, doesn't seem to have it in him to be an ADULT. You Sir, in your mid 40's, need to learn how to GROW UP!! Be an adult for ONCE in your pathetic life!!! I hope you aren't teaching your children to act with the same ignorance as you portray on a daily basis. One day this will come back to bite you right in the ass, & I will sit by laughing! :) Have a nice day
Coming down University Parkway this guy comes barreling down at near 70 mph weaving to pass everyone, including driving outside lanes of traffic, into oncoming left turn lanes, etc.
Completely reckless driver. Cutting off cars with kids inside. Excessive speeding. Grey Dodg truck. Called UHP in hopes he doesn't kill someone or several people for that matter.