This driver was behind a long line of cars going the speed limit (no higher because it was raining), continuously honking. They crossed a double yellow line to pass 2 cars, narrowly avoiding a collision and to no avail in terms of moving faster.
This person is a complete psychopath. Almost ran us off the road multiple times. I took a picture of his license plate and he proceeded to pull over and take photos of my husband and I. I hope you get arrested, you're going to kill someone one day the way you drive. Cops were called and you were reported for aggressive driving.
Very angry driver. She honks as soon as the light turns green, expecting no turnaround time from seeing green to pressing on the pedal. Then she proceeds to cuss out other drivers. Maybe she was having a bad day. But even so. She's going to pop am artery or something. Hope she feels better soon.
Hey, you piece of shit ... you assaulted my son, a 10-year-old, today ... Feel like a big man? You better never come around my neighborhood again, because I'll fucking teach you a thing or two, you pusillanimous turd!
Bad driver