This guy cut weaved in front of without putting on his turn signals and also tried to brake check me then proceeds to flip me off before turning manage to get only a pic of his license plate
Driver stopped too close to intersection (car blocking crosswalk, rear bumper crossed white line), was distracted and only react to green light after more than 5 seconds.
She flipped me off. She got out of car and walked back to my car. And really don’t know why. Just sitting at a stoplight minding my own business,looking at my phone.
Guy lost a tire while driving down NB SR167 through Kent Wa, it rolled all over the freeway and nearly caused a pileup. His load was unsecured, we wasn’t paying attention to the road eating/on their phone etc, not maintaining the speed limit. All in all an absolute menace on the road.
creep luring 13y/o at trailhead