Driver in Ford Focus does a very unsafe lane change just to avoid being behind a truck for an extra ten seconds. Unsafe no-look merge at highway speed. Distance is closer than it appears due to camera lens.
Failed to yield. Driver in the Kia SUV is entering from the right and has a YIELD sign (just before the area in this pic), which he ignored and cut in front of me. Distance is distorted, objects appear further away than they really are.
BMW driver tried to merge lanes without checking for, much less yielding to, traffic in the lane. Pitched a fit and road raged, cut me off later out of spite. It's ok to be embarrassed and ashamed at making a mistake in traffic, it's not ok to take it out on other people.
GMC Yukon driving illegally in HOV lane, sees police ahead and decides to quick-change lanes after the lane split, no look merge and unsafe / reckless driving.
If you need to escalate the argument to physical violence when you find out you've been caught on video and now you're probably going to be proven WRONG..... you truly need some anger management therapy
Unsafe lane change