This man was at McDonald’s I barely tapped back of his car . I was shocked and before I got out he called me every cuss word in the book. I got out and looked his ball hinge was illegally mounted and stick six inches out. There was no damage and he continued to attack me and video tape me for no reason . Absolutely no damage was done to either vehicle he is nuts! He attacked me a women w two children in my car .
Been sat in his car opposite my house all afternoon except when he realized he’d been made and moved up the street a while. Process server? Private investigator? I don’t know but he is freaking me out.
Suspicious people around Hinesville. They park in front of a house, then walk around in front of 2 or 3 houses while writing in a notebook. Then they get back in their vehicle and move up a few houses and repeat the process. Every so often they will walk up a driveway and look around, but I haven't seen them knock on a single door yet.