CEP8231 09/09/19 5:16 PM

WOW! Have you guys sen the pic of this guy after he hit someone! I mean come on, if you hit someone, you don't just get out of your car and lay on the ground, like OMG, I'm so hurt! Please don't make a case against me, you did this to me! Lol lmao!!
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C137RM 08/06/19 4:26 PM

Saw this badass vehicle on the highway today.
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C137RM 08/06/19 4:26 PM

Saw this beauty on the way to work.
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AQG0558 06/11/19 6:11 PM

Frustrated that contractors throw trash away illegally
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CNH320 05/14/19 10:56 PM

Why did you post this? It just looks to me like one driver is being a good guy and giving his friend a jump start.

You're boring...
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PZN8554 05/01/19 9:56 AM

Suspicious people around Hinesville. They park in front of a house, then walk around in front of 2 or 3 houses while writing in a notebook. Then they get back in their vehicle and move up a few houses and repeat the process. Every so often they will walk up a driveway and look around, but I haven't seen them knock on a single door yet.
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PAE8007 01/27/19 9:09 AM

Aberdeen UK
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CEC7773 02/01/19 11:57 AM

The driver stuck his hand out the window and flipped me off as I was driving behind him on Interstate 285.
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CEC7773 01/16/19 3:30 PM

I am a semi-truck driver and he kept honking at me from behind for no reason.
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PXL7105 01/10/19 12:51 AM

So? What the hell happened?
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