DHV 0974 11/22/19 11:58 AM

This young man, who was driving two friends, cut through the BP station to turn from Main onto University and barreled through the driveway towards a pedestrian (me). He braked slightly as if he was going to stop, made eye contact with me, and cut me off at a distance of 2 to 3 feet to turn right.
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DUK 1442 11/20/19 1:08 PM

Never have seen such a asshole driver in my life. Cuts of people and races to intersections to be first in line. Hope this mother fucker hits someone and gets sued.
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CCZ 6862 11/08/19 2:14 PM

Passed me in the merge lane doing well above 50. Tailgates inches from the vehicle in front. Gotta get this mistake of a human off the road. Someone get him a box of sharpies to smell and lock him in an insane asylum. While you're shopping in the school supplies section get him a pack of cheapo crayons. Not even crayola, he doesn't deserve that high quality shit. He can go ahead and figure out which color tastes the best. Your junk pontiac g6 that your mom bought you isn't fast, don't drive it like it's fast. I hope the fucking brakes rust away and you crash into a power line.
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CLL 4453 11/08/19 3:25 PM

So thirsty to go 3 mph more that they created a dangerous situation during rush hour on I-75 at an especially narrow point with white lines. Cut me off to aggressively tailgate the slower driver in front of me at a half car length and then did it again to the slower driver.
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DBC 8208 11/07/19 4:41 PM

Red Chrysler Pacifica now. You pulled out of in front of me at Orion Oaks elementary school and I slammed on the brakes. You must must think that you're really important to cutoff others. Your plaid coat is ugly, just like you.
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8KEA99 11/05/19 6:13 PM

This individual turned on their left turn signal and stopped to, ostensibly, turn left. I and a driver behind me began to pass on the right. As we were doing so, this person realized they were about to turn onto the wrong street. Hey, it can happen, especially at night. What a responsible, courteous person would do is to wait until the other drivers had passed and then move up to the proper street. Nope, not this person: they cut us off to slam on the brakes and wait to turn left 30 feet up.
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CFW550 11/05/19 8:02 AM

Terrible reaction time, leaves inexplicable gaps with the car ahead, taps the brakes regularly for good measure, and drifts around the lane. Wish I was this relaxed during rush hour.
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NANA4X 11/04/19 3:37 PM

4x more important than me or you. That’s why she gets to drive down the right-turn-only lane and cut in front of everyone else during rush hour on Adams.
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DUK 2241 10/31/19 4:02 PM

Came within a foot of my bumper to get out at Adams Road exit instead of getting over, say, in the previous half mile, when it would have actually been safe.
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BSN455 10/31/19 3:13 PM

Two special and entitled to wait his turn to get out of the parking structure by the RenCen and almost caused an accident by lurching out right in front of me.
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