This driver was speeding, darting in and out of traffic, tailgating, using her cell phone, young disrespectful teenager. I believe the vehicle was a gray Dodge Charger.
Horrible driver, she almost side swiped me while using her phone and driving; plus her child was in the back seat. She also had the nerve to beep at me and give me the finger.
First saw this guy cutting from lane to lane on the LIE service road. Went into the left lane while attempting to cut a person off. Managed to snap this picture of his truck and managed to barely read his plate. Be careful if you see this guy...
This person driving a Dark Colored BMW Tailgated me while I was driving the Speed Limit then passed me and threw objects out his window at my car twice. Sate Police were notified. I think he needs a sedative.
what the a.p. service means?