GMH 5380 03/13/16 2:58 PM

Watch out for this animal - he has road rage and came out of his car and threatened me. He drives a Dodge now. I hope the camera caught his reckless driving and aggressive behavior.
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GZN 3282 03/13/16 10:10 AM

White Caucasian male, driving a ford pick truck. Hit my rear ire mirror, escaped te scene and then later I found him and all he said was "do you want my Insurence"
He is just an asshole.
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GXE 2632 03/12/16 9:23 PM

Left their 2 dogs in the car in Florida weather....terrible human beings.
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GBV 1606 03/12/16 6:55 PM

Total jerk
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ALD 3323 03/04/16 11:48 PM

He backs into your car with you SITTING IN IT, doesn't get out to check for damage, tries to drive away, sees you get out of the car and tries to drive away faster! Good thing it's a crappy parking lot and you can't accelerate too quickly in there. When you stop him (yes, I held his door handle while he was trying to drive away from the scene & me) he doesn't even show ANY sign of remorse or apologize. He states that I "should be committed" for not allowing him to leave and for not allowing a hit and run. While waiting 10 minutes for my BF to come out of the store he tries to argue with me as to why I'm wrong. YOU HIT MY CAR, doesn't matter if "it was just a tap". ALL YOU HAD TO DO WAS CHECK FOR DAMAGE AND APOLOGIZE, a decent human being! It would've been a non-issue. I would've even let minor damage slide! I get that it was snowing, but you couldn't do the respectable thing, could you?
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BMC038 03/04/16 11:59 AM

It sounds like this driver is a racist D-bag.
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GYP 6191 03/04/16 8:01 AM

White Chevy van with passenger plates but obviously some contractor douche(had sheetrock + HVAC stuff in back). At the LIE WB exit 62 starts to come in my lane cause he doesn't want to slow for the incoming cars. No directional. I speed up a bit and he gets all flustered. We make faces and gestures at each other for a few seconds and proceed. He then tries it again!!! Same shit all over. He's offended I'm not letting him cut me off!!! Finally, after regaining my maturity, I motion for him to go. He puts on his directional and goes in front of me. He moves to the left. Still giving me the stinkeye as I pass, he goes into the HOV lane. Where's the cops? God forbid I go into the left lane(my p/u has commercial plates due to curb weight) they're on my ass in a flash. Crap like this happens to me multiple times on my 37 mile commute. This guy stood out like a real *sshole so much I remembered his plate number!
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FWS 6144 03/03/16 2:10 PM

This guy came up on my rear at well over 70 mph and when I moved over he stayed right next to me and seemed to be taking MY picture! Could be a cop or CO - was in some sort of uniform. Then he got in front of me and went 55 the whole time.
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FYL 2717 03/10/16 9:36 AM

So I was driving down Livonia this morning and ended up making a left turn behind this white Nissan altima I believe. Anyway.... Your fine as fuck hit my Kik mrsbjordan
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CGF 6999 03/10/16 8:28 AM

Passed a stopped and flashing school bus.
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